Experience the Change

An alternative to therapy or counseling

Liz Schultz, Certified Emotional Health Facilitator

  • 16821 W. Montana de Oro Dr. Surprise, AZ 85387
  • Residential office, by appointment only. Texts and calls are the fastest means of contact.

In-Office and Remote Appointments are available


A 30 minute, free consultation, in office or by phone, is available to help you become familiar with your Facilitator and the "Processing" technique used during sessions. Prior to your consultation, please read "What is Processing". I look forward to meeting you and answering any of your questions.


The Integrated "Processing" Technique (IPT) is an alternative to therapy or counseling. It is geared toward individual clients of any age. Each adult session is $100 and 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Each session for children is $75 and about 1 hour long. Adult sessions use a guided conversational style that walks clients through specific steps toward understanding, healing and change. Sessions for children are adapted to their age and abilities. Clients not only gain a greater sense of happiness, peace, and success but learn the life skills behind their transformation. For more information, please read "What is Processing?"

Experience the change - Improve the present by healing the past

Processing, short for IPT - Integrated Processing Technique, is an alternative to therapy or counseling by a Certified Facilitator.  However, Processing does not replace diagnoses or directives of licensed physicians, psychologists, or psychiatrists.  It is a guided conversational technique that allows the Facilitator to walk clients through a series of steps.  Each step helps clients learn principles to move them closer to their personal objectives such as emotional healing, forgiveness, increased self-esteem, personal power, more peace, greater joy, improved relationships, greater success,  self-mastery and more.  Sessions are 1 1/2 to 2 hours long and can be done in-office or by phone.  Processing can be geared toward clients of all ages.
Processing has many advantages, including, but not limited to, helping clients to:
1. Create a greater sense of happiness, peace, contentment and success through emotional development and healing.
2. Understand that lasting love, acceptance, forgiveness, validation, etc. need to come from within.  With this foundation, outside validations are nice but not necessary.  Without this foundation, trying to fill the voids created by these needs is an endless, useless, exhausting burden.
3. More accurately identify and verbalize what is "wrong" so they more fully understand where and how to focus their efforts.
4. More fully love, accept, appreciate, and forgive themselves and others.
5. Take responsibility for their own well-being.
6. Accept that they cannot change or control others. But they can trust and allow others to be responsible for their own lives and choices.
7. Understand that often to improve the present, they need to heal the past.
8. Deal with negative emotions, beliefs, attitudes, habits, and coping skills.
9. Stop negative family patterns, whether past down genetically or through example.
10. Let go of the past while growing in knowledge, wisdom,  and personal power.
11. Understand that the negatives they experienced do not define who they are.
12. Realize that being willing to let go, forgive, or change is a choice.
13.  Embrace the truth that letting go of the old ways, makes room for a better, more productive and rewarding way to live.     
No, I am not a licensed counselor or therapist.  I also do not diagnose clients or prescribe medications.

I am a Certified Emotional Health Facilitator.  I use a technique called Processing (IPT - Integrated Processing Technique).  It is a highly effective alternative to counseling or therapy.
Muscle Testing (MT), also known as Applied Kinesiology, is an alternative medicine practice developed in the 1960's and is increasingly growing in use and popularity.  It is used by many practitioners, including chiropractors, massage and physical therapists, naturopathic doctors, and nutritionists.  

The body communicates in many different ways. Fever communicates an infection. Pain communicates a problem. Tension headaches communicate stress. MT is another way for the body (and mind) to communicate. In a nut shell, muscles tend to be stronger when things are positive, healthy, true, or balanced. Likewise, muscles tend to be weaker when things are negative, unhealthy, false, or imbalanced. For example, if James extended his arm and received a slight, downward pressure from the Facilitator after he stated, "My name is James", his muscles would stay strong and his arm would remain firm.

A Process can be conducted successfully with or without the use of Muscle Testing (MT).  However, as a Certified Emotional Health Facilitator, I find MT more quickly helps me
1. Identify a situation or time period that would be helpful to discuss.
2. Identify negative emotions, attitudes, beliefs, habits, and coping skills.
3. Determine the direction that questions and discussions should go.
4. Determine if things have been successfully identified and discussed.
Generally, anything with an emotional root can be Processed.  To name a few, consider how emotions are related to stress, anxiety, depression, anger issues, lack of success, eating disorders, negative behaviors, phobias, addictions, relationships, weight problems, perfectionism, control issues, and fear of failure.

Even some physical things can be connected to emotions.  Stress is a good example.  It contributes to high blood pressure, tension headaches, tight muscles, ulcers, obesity, insomnia, etc.  Processing does not heal the body.  It helps to heal the heart, mind, and soul, allowing the body to heal itself or respond more positively to medical treatment.
If they are willing, most anyone can be processed, even children.  Infants/toddlers, and others in need of help, can be Processed using Muscle Testing and a Proxy.  Processing is adapted to the age and abilities of each individual.
We recognize that often others can play a part in creating problems and pain in our lives.  However, we also recognize that each person is responsible for his own well-being.  Although we look at what happened and who was involved, Processing teaches clients to be responsible for their own choices and lives, for their own well-being.  We can't control or change others.  We can't always choose what happens to us.  But we can choose our attitudes, reactions, and behaviors.  We can choose what we hang onto, what we let go of, what we tolerate, and what we gain from our experiences.
Once a week?  Every other week?  Once a month?  As needed? How often a client schedules a session depends on his needs, goals, and budget.  If a client is working on some pressing challenges, I would recommend at least one session a month, more if possible.  I would also not recommend more than one session per week, unless there is a strong, unresolved issue.  
1.  The completed and signed Client Information & Release Form is necessary before you start your first session.  Go to Client Info and Release Form under "More" at the top of the website page.   
2. Prior to your first session, feel free to schedule a free consultation, ask questions and become comfortable with the Process and your Facilitator.
3. Set aside 2 hours for a session. Sessions for adults are generally 1 1/2 to 2 hours long, about an hour for children. On rare occasions, a Process might not be completed within one session and a follow-up appointment would need to be scheduled as soon as possible.
4. Hydrate well at least 1 1/2 hours before your session
5.  With a phone or video appointment, find a private, quiet, comfortable location with good phone/internet connection.  It is best to have your phone near you but not on you.  You can use speaker, earbuds or blue tooth.  A test call or video call (doxy.me/lizschultz) can be scheduled ahead of time to check connections and become familiar with the procedure.
6.  Please be prepared with accepted payment methods: 
exact cash, Venmo, credit card or check made out to Liz Schultz C.E.H.F.
1. Drink plenty of water and rest if needed.

2. Be kind and patient with yourself. It's taken a lifetime to get where you are; it will take some time and effort to work through it.

3. Processing can affect people differently, even the same person from session to session. At times, you might feel just fine, like not much has changed, a bit tired, heavy or triggered, energized or happy, like you've had a major break-through. It's all good and all part of the journey of discovery and healing. Realize it could take a few days for you to feel the full benefits as things from your session integrate and settle.

4. Processing is designed to help each client come to a point of closure by the end of each session. However, if you are not good, call me!  You should not be in a state of emotional pain or turmoil.     I can suggest a number of ways to help support yourself until our next appointment.   On very rare occasions, a second session might be needed sooner than expected.

5. You did a lot of work and may have stirred up some things. Also, your heart/mind/body might start to queue up emotions and issues as it realizes you are finally taking care of business. This could feel overwhelming. Generally, reminding yourself that you have a scheduled appointment and are taking care of things soon will bring a sense of calm.

6. If you would like some "homework", I can make suggestions.  There are a lot of ways to move the work forward!

Experience the change - Improve the present by healing the past

Liz Schultz

Certified Emotional Health Facilitator

Liz is a Certified Emotional Health Facilitator. After completing the 645 hour Integrate Processing Technique (IPT) Certification Program, she graduated with The Clinic In Excellence Award. Liz is passionate about the work she does. She is excited to see clients apply new skills to create a happier and more successful life for themselves. Prior to moving back to Arizona and embracing the work of emotional healing, Liz has lived in various parts of the United States. She also proudly served overseas with the U.S. Army. Liz is a retired pastry chef and cake decorator. She loves time with family and friends and currently enjoys reading, painting, and pickleball.

Liz Schultz, Certified Emotional Health Facilitator

  • 16821 W. Montana de Oro Dr. Surprise, AZ 85387
  • Residential office, by appointment only. Texts and calls are the fastest means of contact.

Remote Clients are welcome! Technology helps us serve clients wherever they live.

Client Release Form:

I understand that Liz Schultz, Certified Emotional Health Facilitator, does not diagnose or prescribe. I also understand that her work does not replace diagnoses or directives of licensed physicians, psychologists, or psychiatrists.

Processing is intended to promote emotional well-being and and healthy lifestyles by educating individuals, in part, about the relationship between emotions, belief systems, and behaviors.

Non-invasive methods and modalities are used during Processing. They may include, but are not limited to:

- Guided conversations
- Bio-kinesiology (Muscle Testing, MRT)
- Guided visualizations
- Speaking out feelings
- Role playing
- NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
(use of visualized symbolism to gain information and understanding)

I authorize Liz Schultz to Process myself and/or individuals listed for whom I have legal stewardship. This authorization is valid for any and all sessions.

I understand that payment (exact cash, credit card, Venmo or check payable to Liz Schultz C.E.H.F.) is due prior to the start of each session. Cancellations with less than 24-hour notice may be subject to full charge. A $35 returned check fee applies and subsequent payments must be made by cash or credit card.

I acknowledge that completing and submitting this form constitutes my digital signature, consent and acceptance of the terms and conditions of agreement.


Experience the change - Improve the present by healing the past


I went to see Liz because I was suffering from depression and anxiety. After only a few sessions, I was feeling much better. My wife says, "Thank you for giving me my husband back".


Processing is the most empowering type of self-work I have ever been a part of. It has allowed me to express my emotional pain while taking accountability for my life... I think that is the most refreshing part of this work. I no longer have to live my life sitting in blame and anger for the past... I feel free from the emotional baggage of living that way. By moving through the pain, I have set myself free.


I want to thank you again for your help with our family in that first year after we lost [our daughter]. I feel you were able to help us a lot more than if we had just gone for traditional grief counseling. Also, I loved getting to know you and your cheerful, bright, fun attitude for life. You are a special person, Liz!


I lived under the heavy burden of perfectionism and guilt. No matter how much I accomplished, it was never enough. I went to bed late each night overwhelmed and stressed. I awoke only a few hours later to exercise and begin the frantic pace of life over again. I never allowed myself time to rest, relax or take the time to rejuvenate... After Processing, I began to realize that underneath all my frantic behavior was a fear of not being good enough, but no amount of accomplishment ever overcame it... It's been two years now and Processing has transformed my life as well as my family's. I now live in peace, joy and acceptance on a regular basis. I am able to have deep, connected relationships with my children. I allow myself to rest and have more energy than I had known was possible. Life still presents challenges but I now know how to recognize and deal with negative emotions in a positive way. I have been able to move forward in my life more than I ever thought possible.

"A.S." child

I just feel better.


I've been working with Liz for almost 4 years now, and she's truly been my life saver! I used to suffer from constant panic attacks and anxiety, not knowing why and where it was coming from. Over the years, I was able to uncover and release a lot of old beliefs and stagnant emotions and started to see the world in a different way. I am finally in peace with my past and I know how to deal with my emotions when they show up, I'm not scared of my anxiety anymore. I highly recommend Liz, as I've tried different modalities and I had different people I was working with, but she is the person who actually helped me through this journey.